Updated February 2013

If you need further information about our group please email:

General info:
Carrie Landsman clb1019@gmail.com

New Members:
Gina Lapalio glapalio@yahoo.com


Do We Have Time For Religion?

Religion and Politics: A lethal cocktail?

What is the Role of Money in the Survival of the Jewish and Catholic Faiths?

Welcome Rabbi Chava Bahle of Makom Shalom

The Interfaith Kitchen (New! Chicken Marbella)
The Lighter Side of Religion

Family School Information
The Family School is a community of Jewish and Catholic couples providing a religious school to convey to our children the stories, traditions, rituals and values of both Judaism and Catholic Christianity. Together, we explore with our children the common moral code and shared heritage of our two faiths. The Family School was featured in a recent Chicago Tribune article that can be found here: Chicago Tribune

Kindergartners must be five years old before December 31 of the current school year to be admitted. We teach classes beginning at the Kindergarten level through 8th grade. There are openings for children in all grade levels. Please contact Angela Fishman, email apollo6464@wowway.com to learn more about the Family School.